Italian language schools of Asils the Marche
The Marche Region – ENGLISH
The Marche, which has always been Italy’s “Gateway to the East”, is the country’s only region with a plural name.
The region is overlooking the Adriatic Sea in the centre of Italy, with slightly more than a million and a half inhabitants spread among its five provinces of Ancona, the regional seat, Pesaro and Urbino, Macerata, Fermo, and Ascoli Piceno.
Featuring the mountains of the Apennine chain, which gently slope towards the sea along parallel valleys, the region is set apart by its rare beauty and noteworthy figures such as Giacomo Leopardi, Raphael, Giovan Battista Pergolesi, Gioachino Rossini, Gaspare Spontini, Father Matteo Ricci and Frederick II, all of whom were born here.
Italian writer Guido Piovene, defined ‘Le Marche’ as the most typical among Italian landscapes, ‘the most classic of our lands’. The Marche region is one of Italy’s richest in terms of cultural heritage having over 500 squares, thousands of monuments, more than 100 artistic cities, over 50 fortresses, 106 castles, 170 towers, thousands of churches, over 90 abbeys, 183 sanctuaries, 34 archaeological sites, and 72 historic theatres.
The Italian language schools in the Marche, members of Asils: